©Copyright Standpoint Design

vivo 2020 公关礼盒设计


vivo PR 2020 Mid-Autunmn design

Festival Gift BoxIn the process of creating this gift box, what we discussed most was the meaning of the gift itself and whether it could express the characteristics of the brand. The meaning of the gift itself is a philosophical consideration. Finally, the anchor point of our thinking falls on the lens. The time when the gift box was issued was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it was also the time when the X60 was launched. The shooting function and fast charging function of the mobile phone are all valuable features of the new model. The design style interprets the core values of the vivo brand at that time, "fashion" and "technology". The overall tone is silver, with a sense of technology and minimalism. The invited illustrators are unique and trendy.

设计师:王强 邓立华
插画师:Valentin Blondel CRAYONCRAYON(UK)

Design:Jonking  Olav Deng
Illustrator:Valentin Blondel CRAYONCRAYON(UK)
Produced:Standpoint Design

汤臣倍健 维满C包装设计


BY-HEALTH VIMAN-C packag design

The design inspiration of "Weiman C" comes from the branches of the fruit tree, which is solid and full of vitality; the overall color tone is mainly based on the color tone of each fruit flavor, and the neat information layout is in line with the aesthetics of the new era and the professional brand tonality. Appropriate white space allows the packaging to breathe. The graphic vision starts from the taste of the product line, and uses simple and interesting lines with rich color matching to trigger consumers' associations with the aroma and taste of fruits.

设计师:邓立华 黄东
三维:Hongwei Wu

Art Director:Olav Deng
Design:Olav Deng、Dong Huang
Photography:Hongwei Wu
Produced:Standpoint Design

vivo 联名定制机包装设计

这封定制信选用了材质高级的信封和信纸,在内容排版上精巧细致,希望能传达给大咖们超强个人专属感的定制礼物。我们制作了每位大咖个人专属的sticker,具有精巧质感的信笺,里面有“镜面反转文字”的独特玩法。希望大咖们可以主动Po图、报道alexanderwang定制版vivo X30。

vivo X30 alexander wang Package Design

The purpose of this design is to hope that after getting the customized gift box, the big coffee in the fashion circle can independently forward the social circle to achieve the purpose of vertical circle communication.
We draw on the idea of unpacking from the IT circle, starting from the moment when the fashionista gets the customized machine, every moment it touches is full of surprises, thus triggering the impulse of self-propagation. We hope that the target group of influence has a keen sense of fashion, and needs to be impressed by creative ideas and materials with great texture.
This customized letter is made of high-quality envelopes and letter paper, and the content layout is exquisite and meticulous. It is hoped that it can convey a customized gift with a strong sense of personal exclusiveness to the big coffee. We made each big coffee's personal sticker, a letterhead with exquisite texture, which has the unique gameplay of "mirror reversed text". I hope big coffees can take the initiative to post pictures and report on alexanderwang's customized version of vivo X30.


Illustrator:Xuan Tan
Design:Standpoint Design
Creativity: Ogilvy
Print Production: Harmony Printing

vivo 公关媒体2020 元春礼盒

这款礼盒是为媒体而定制的。人群特质的关键词:易接受新鲜事物、乐于分享、眼光独到。我们邀请了来自韩国的插画师Jisu Choi,选择了博朗狮与田名网敬一的合作款瓷器。田名网老师的波普艺术作品印在特制的瓷器上,精美并且具有艺术性。外盒形状选择了并不常规的梯形,符合新鲜、独特的礼品特质。

vivo Gifting2020

This gift set has been customized for media. They share common characteristics of being open to fresh ideas, sharing, and with unique tastes.
The bone china cup sets are of Brandor who invited Keiichi Tanaami to create for them specially. They are delicate and artful with details reminiscent of the Pop Art era.
The outer box takes a irregular shape a trapezoid, belonging to the fresh and unique setting of this particular giftset.

设计师:邓立华 王强
插画师:Jisu Choi (Korea)

Client: vivo
Design: Olavo Deng & Jonking Wang
Illustration: Jisu Choi (Korea)
Espresso Sets: BRANDOR x Keiichi Tanaami
Red Packets: vivo x Alexander Wang
Production: HPress

iQOO 2020台历设计

iQOO在2018年面世,一直有着硬核、机能、科技的属性。我们希望保留这部分品牌基因的同时,融入简洁的视觉语言,“酷”得很单纯。我们通过大胆简约的台历封面设计将“2020”的“0”设计为表盘,并巧妙地把 “Monster Inside” 化为表盘上的时针和分针。虽看似直白简单,却冲击力十足。台历照片的征集来自于酷客们。酷客用 iQOO 手机拍摄照片的投稿源源不断,台历展现了其中12张精彩照片。

iQOO 2020 desk calendar design

Desk calendars are very common brand materials and are often used as gifts to customers. It is not only a reminder of the date, but also a carrier to remind customers of the existence of the brand. So, how to make the desk calendar not only reflect the iQOO brand characteristics, but also be compatible with the daily-use attributes of the desk calendar?
iQOO was launched in 2018 and has always had the attributes of hard core, function and technology. We hope to retain this part of the brand gene while incorporating a concise visual language, "cool" is very simple. We designed the "0" of "2020" as the dial through the bold and simple cover design of the desk calendar, and subtly turned "Monster Inside" into the hour and minute hands on the dial. Although it seems straightforward and simple, it is full of impact. The collection of desk calendar photos comes from cool guests. There is a steady stream of submissions of photos taken by cool customers with iQOO mobile phones, and the desk calendar shows 12 wonderful photos.


Design:Olav Deng
Produced:Standpoint Design